CardiovascularInfo Center
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In South Carolina, Blacks Having Stroke at Younger Ages
Although stroke numbers have been dropping over the past decade, African Americans continue to face a high stroke risk. And stroke rates seem to be rising in one Southern state.
Depression May Raise Risk for Heart Disease in Younger Women
Young women are more prone to depression than older women or men of any age. New research looked into whether depression was a sign of physical health problems.
Side Effects Common in Older Adults Taking Thiazides
Many older people take medications to lower their blood pressure. A new study has found that one of the first medications often prescribed to patients for this purpose may cause some significant problems.
Stroke Prevention Should Start Early in Life for Women
Stroke usually affects people later in life. However, new research suggests that it's not just older adults who should be careful.
Advances Help Diagnose Women’s Heart Disease
While heart disease affects both sexes, testing for it originally developed according to symptoms in men. Research has now recognized gender differences that may help prevent and treat the condition.
How Caffeine Differs in the Sexes
When caffeine hits the body, blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases, past research has found. But the effects differ in males and females.
Debate Over Cholesterol Guidelines for Diabetes Patients
Last year, new guidelines on treating high cholesterol placed a focus on overall risk instead of specific cholesterol levels. Those recommendations set off a debate in the medical community. The controversy rages on.
Skipping the Bacon to Save Your Heart
Bacon for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch and hot dogs for dinner could be a recipe for heart failure.
Keeping Heart in Shape May Keep Mind Sharp
A healthy brain depends on a healthy heart. Good cardiovascular health may not only help prevent stroke and dementia, it also may play a part in maintaining memory and learning abilities.
Protein May Have Power to Prevent Strokes
People typically can't predict when a stroke will happen, but they can take steps to prevent it. New research suggests that eating plenty of one particular nutrient may help to stop stroke before it strikes.