Rheumatic DiseaseInfo Center
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Short-Course RA Therapy May Offer Long-Term Relief
The goal of treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is to dial down disease activity and provide relief from the pain, stiffness, joint damage and functional problems. A recent study highlighted one treatment that may help.
Long-Term Effects of Golimumab in Patients with Arthritis
Clinicians are generally familiar with the side effects of most prescribed medications. However, the safety of newer medications such as golimumab, an anti-TNF drug to treat autoimmune disorders, is still being examined.
Motivations Behind Rx Non-Compliance in RA
According to Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), about 75 percent of adults don’t take their medications as prescribed. A new study looked at this issue in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Aggressive Trio to Treat Juvenile Arthritis
Kids as young as toddlers can develop arthritis. Finding the right treatment may help ensure that young lives are not sidelined by this disease, which can affect youths' eyes, joints or other body parts.
Early Control of RA Predicted Less Disability
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cannot be cured, but treatment can significantly reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease, and bring disease activity to a low level. Treating the disease as early as possible may make this goal easier.
FDA Approves Two Meds for New Use
New options developed this week for patients coping with two very different arthritic conditions. T he US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medications for treatment of both rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Starting RA Treatment Right
There are so many medications to treat rheumatoid arthritis that it can be hard to tell which one will work best. One group of experts is telling patients where they should start.
Pay More, Expect the Same
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe pain and stiff joints that make it hard for some patients to do their jobs. In fact, this disease is estimated to be responsible for a yearly cost of $11 billion due to work days lost.
The Weight on the Joints
When pain from arthritis hits the joints, it can be hard to deal with. Patients can get a better grip on their joint pain if they take control of their weight.
Skipping Out on Arthritis Meds
Some patients who worry about taking too much of a prescription medicine might not take their meds as prescribed, including arthritis patients. Not following the dose instructions has become a lot more common.