Why Won’t Guys Go to the Doctor?

Men's health could be at risk when they resist seeking medical care

/ Author:  / Reviewed by: Jennifer Gershman, PharmD, CPh

If you're a man or you've ever met one, you likely know that men often resist seeing a doctor. But what men don't know about their health could, in fact, hurt them.

That's why those behind the men's health movement created “Movember.” For more than a decade, men across the globe have been growing facial hair to raise awareness and funds for men's health during the month of November, specifically for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men's mental health issues.

The Movember movement hopes to shine the spotlight on men’s health in an effort to inspire more men to take an honest account of their health.

Health news reporter Rachelle Grossman recently took an in-depth look at men's health and why men often drag their feet when they should be hoofing it to the doctor's office.

For the full story, check out the video feature.

Review Date: 
November 12, 2015
Last Updated:
November 17, 2015