Men Pacing Themselves Nicely

Biventrical pacemakers for men improve libido, erectile dysfunction and sexual performance

(RxWiki News) Biventricular pacemakers are an electronic, battery-powered pacing device that is surgically implanted under the skin to give patients with advanced heart failure a balanced heart beat. 

In addition to balancing out the heart, these wonderful biventrical pacemakers are secret erectile dysfunction players. Dr. Ahmet Vural of Kocaeli University reports in a new study that not only do biventrical pacemakers decrease mortality in heart failure patients, it also brings improvement in sexual health to the patient's life.

"Biventricular pacemakers revitalize the sex life of male heart failure patients."

Chronic heart failure is a common, complex syndrome which causes patients to experience extreme fatigue and and inability to perform even a moderate level of exercise. Additionally, chronic heart failure patients have their libido stolen from them. This decreased libido is accompanied with erectile dysfunction. Biventrical pacemakers pace the right and left ventricle. It paces a heart patient's sexual life as well.

Vural and his team set out to identify  the effects of this pacemaker on libido and erectile dysfunction. 31 male patients with advanced heart failure, who were scheduled to receive a biventricular pacemaker, were included in the study. Their sexual health was assessed before and six months after implantation of the biventrical pacemaker.

Six months after receiving the implantation, 23 of the patients reported no erectile dysfunction at all. Only two of the patients had moderate erectile dysfunction and none of the patients had severe erectile dysfunction. 

Before implantation, only three patients reported satisfactory libido. Six months after implantation, 25 men reported significant increases in libido. 

The study's findings show this pacemaker allows a dramatic  improvement in libido, ED, and sexual performance due to the improved lung function and larger ejection fraction (amount of blood the heart can pump out).

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
June 2, 2011
Last Updated:
August 22, 2011