Processed Meats May Kill

Colorectal cancer now confirmed to be linked to processed meats

(RxWiki News) In general, any kind of processed food is not your best choice to stay healthy.  Recently researchers confirmed the link between processed meats and colorectal cancer. So, what should we do?

The World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research have confirmed the report that eating processed meats will increase risk for colorectal cancer. With that being said, there is a simple way to lower your risk of colorectal cancer - stop eating processed meat.

"Stop eating processed meats to lower your risk of colorectal cancer."

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world accounting for 64,000 cases each year in the United States alone. Nearly half - 45 percent - of all cases can be prevented by eating more fruits and vegetables, less meat, less alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight eating a healthy diet and exercising.

Processed meats include bacon, hot dogs, a number of deli meats and other foods that have been prepared or preserved by smoking, curing, salting, or using preservatives.

Most schools serve processed meats everyday to children, and Dr. Neal Barnard says enough is enough! The Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine proposed that school lunches eliminate hot dogs and other processed meats since the evidence clearly states that processed meats increase colorectal cancer risk.

"We should continue to make the public aware of the dangers of processed meats and stop feeding it to our children", Barnard says. "We will all be healthier by adding fruits and vegetables to our diets and exercising to maintain a healthy weight."

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
June 2, 2011
Last Updated:
June 6, 2011