President of Argentina has Thyroid Cancer

Cristina Fernandez diagnosed with thyroid cancer

(RxWiki News) Newly re-elected Argentinean President, Cristina Fernandez , has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She will undergo surgery to remove the gland on January 4, 2012.

Her prognosis looks excellent, according to her doctors.

"Get regular health check-ups and screenings."

The papillary carcinoma was found during a routine exam. It was detected early, and the cancer has not spread beyond the thyroid.

This is the most common form of thyroid cancer that usually strikes people - especially women - before they reach the age of 40. Fernandez is 58.

"The thyroid gland will have to be removed," said Buenos Aires-based cancer specialist Julio Moreno. "The prognosis is very good. The chances of being cured are 90 to 98 percent."

Several other leaders in Latin America are also battling cancer. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had surgery earlier in the year to remove a "cancerous tumor." He was not more specific than that and later declared himself to be cancer-free.

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has been treated for lymphatic cancer, which is now in remission.

And doctors for former Brazilian leader, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, say he is being treated successfully for throat cancer. 

Fernandez is expected to be on leave for about three weeks following her surgery.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
December 28, 2011
Last Updated:
December 28, 2011