Exercise Away Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction from a sedentary lifestyle can affect younger men too

(RxWiki News) Think erectile dysfunction can only happen at a certain age? Exercise may have more to do with healthy erectile function than previously thought, no matter the age.

New research shows that men who exercise are more satisfied with their sex lives than men who do not.

Long-term studies are needed, but preliminary findings suggest even young guys can benefit in the bedroom from running around the park.

"Get at least 30-45 minutes of hard exercise 5 days per week!"

A team led by Dr. Wayland Hsiao, MD, from the Department of Urology at Emory University’s Men’s Health Center, set out to determine whether exercise effected erectile function in men under the age of 40.

While many studies have revealed the benefits of exercise for older men, this study looks at the impact exercise has on young, healthy men that do not complain of erectile dysfunction.

78 males between the ages of 18 and 40 were split into two groups: 27 sedentary and 51 active. The determinate for sedentary vs. active was burning less or more than 1,400 calories per week, which averages out to about 20 minutes of vigorous activity every day of the week.

Each of the participants filled out the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). The sedentary group showed increased erectile dysfunction over the active group in the categories of: erectile function, 44.4 percent vs. 21.6 percent, orgasm function, 44.4 percent vs. 17.7 percent, intercourse satisfaction, 59.3 percent vs. 35.3 percent and overall satisfaction, 63 vs. 35.3 percent.

This was not a longitudinal study. The study authors suggest further research is warranted on the long-term effects of exercise on erectile function.

Total scores for erectile function on the IIEF scale suggested erectile dysfunction for 44.4 percent of the sedentary group and 23.5 percent for the active group.

This study was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, February 2012. No financial information was given and no conflicts of interest were found.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
May 23, 2012
Last Updated:
August 30, 2012