Online Tool Offers Personalized Melanoma Options

Melanoma tests and therapies summarized

(RxWiki News) Cathy, the heroine on The Big C should know about this. As a stage IV melanoma patient, she could use a free online tool to find the best treatment options for her individual case.

A partnership with the American Society of Clinical Oncology and CollabRx has made a very cool tool available to melanoma patients. This online reference that's "dynamically updated" allows patients to enter the exact nature of their disease to help them find personalized treatment plans.

"Visit to find melanoma personalized treatment options."

It's all based on the known subtypes of melanoma and targeted therapy that provides precise treatment that blocks specific genes or pathways that spur the cancer cell growth.

The search tool gives information on diagnositic tests and possible therapies based on a patient’s specific melanoma diagnosis.

Patients enter their specifics. The following example illlustrates how the tool works:

  • Melanoma Stage - Stage III
  • Primary Origin - Skin/Other
  • Metastatic Sites - Lymph Nodes
  • Mutation Information - Unknown

The "Search" button was pressed and the tool said that more testing was needed, including:

  • BRAF Mutation Analysis
  • C-KIT Mutation Analysis

Each section offered more information on each of the tests, a list of labs that perform the tests and a preview of results for patients who had these mutations.

The tool focuses on advanced melanoma. In addition, the site provides a wealth of information both on melanoma and other cancers.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with melanoma, this is a tool you'll want to take a look at.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
July 13, 2011
Last Updated:
July 16, 2011