Nutrition Labels Are Getting a New Look

Nutrition facts labels for packaged foods will be updated per new FDA requirements

(RxWiki News) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is updating nutrition facts labels for most packaged foods.

This update is meant to help consumers make better, more informed decisions about the foods they eat and what they feed their families.

The new nutrition facts labels will include the following updates:

  • “Calories” and “Servings” will now be highlighted.
  • New requirements for serving sizes will reflect what people are currently eating.
  • Grams and a percent daily value (%DV) for "Added Sugars” will be included. This will help people know how much added sugar the product contains.
  • Two columns will show calorie and nutrition information for “per serving” and “per package.” This will help people understand the nutrition information they are receiving when consuming the entire product.
  • Daily values for sodium, dietary fiber and vitamin D will be updated.
  • Vitamin D, calcium and iron will have the actual gram amount, in addition to the %DV, on the new label.
  • Information on vitamins A and C will no longer be required on the new label. This is because these types of vitamin deficiencies are rare.
  • The new label will no longer have “Calories From Fat” listed. This is because research has shown the type of fat (total fat, saturated fat and trans fat) is more important.
  • The new label will now include a better explanation for %DV.

The FDA has given most food manufacturers a deadline of July 26, 2018, to use the new labeling.

According to the FDA, supplement facts labels found on dietary supplements will also be getting an update.

If you have any questions on nutrition, a dietitian is a great resource.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
May 23, 2016
Last Updated:
May 25, 2016