The Latest on Cancer in the US

US cancer death rates dropped, but liver cancer increased

(RxWiki News) Deaths from cancer have been on the decline for years, according to a new report. But there are still some trouble spots.

Various health agencies have come together to release their annual report on cancer in the United States. This year's report found that cancer deaths declined by around 1.5 percent per year overall for men and women in the US between 2003 and 2012. Despite this positive news, though, liver cancer appears to be on the rise.

The researchers behind this report credited most of the drop in US cancer rates and deaths to improved prevention and treatment strategies. However, they called for further research and public health efforts on liver cancer treatment and prevention.

This report was published this month in the journal Cancer.

The CDC, National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries funded this research. The authors disclosed no conflicts of interest.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
March 12, 2016
Last Updated:
March 14, 2016