Parents Can Download Autism Tool Kits

Autism Speaks released three new tools parents can download from the website

(RxWiki News) Autism Speaks continues to help parents by offering three new tools on their website for free.

The most recent additions to the Autism Speaks parent’s guides are:

• An Introduction to Behavioral Health Treatments
• Applied Behavior Analysis
• Toilet Training: A Parent’s Guide.

"Talk to your child’s psychiatrist about autism treatment options."

On June 21, a EurekAlert press release announced access to the new tools on the Autism Speaks website.  Each of the three tools provides information or guidance that can help parents of children with autism.

An Introduction to Behavioral Health Treatments gives an overview of both professional autism treatment strategies and in-home strategies.  The guide also provides tips on how to change problem behaviors for children with autism.

The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) guide is designed to give parents information about this type of treatment strategy. The guide discusses what ABA is, how it works, how it can help and how to find services.

Toilet Training: A Parent’s Guide is designed address specific issues that may come along with toilet training children with autism. Children with autism may have more difficulty communicating about behaviors needed for learning to use the toilet. The guide provides specific insights about how to use visual schedules, routines and rewards in toilet training. 

dailyRx spoke with Glen Elliott, MD, PhD, a psychiatrist, about these new tools. 

He stated, “Autism Speaks has an excellent reputation within the field and is constantly seeking to promote translational research—that is, get to parents of children with autism the best available tools and techniques for helping them deal with the common and persistent problems associated with autism. “

“These releases seem consistent with that aspect of their overall mission.” However, Dr. Elliott noted that he has not reviewed these new tool kits specifically.

These three tools were developed as part of the Autism Treatment Network as part of the HRSA-funded Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P). 

All three are available for free download on the Autism Speaks Tool Kits webpage.

Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
June 24, 2012
Last Updated:
November 14, 2012