In Which Season were you Born?

Celiac disease impacted by seasonal differences

(RxWiki News) People plan their weddings, vacations, or even anniversaries during specific seasons for specific reasons. What about a child’s birth?

Spring is the time of blooming flowers, summer is for time out in the sun, autumn for the beautiful fall leaves, and winter for the white blanket that covers the ground. Different seasons can have an effect on your child’s birth.

Researchers have found celiac disease to be more common among children born in Massachusetts during spring or summer. Parents with children born during spring or summer might be more cautious of the time frame for introducing first cereals (gluten products).

"Be cautious of when you introduce cereals to infants."

Massachusetts General Hospital for Children found that younger children were more affected by the season in which cereals (gluten products) were introduced during infancy to celiac disease.

The study was done with 382 patients ranging from ages 11 months to 19 years that were diagnosed with celiac disease.

Children born during spring or summer may be more affected because gluten products are usually introduced six months after birth, which is about the same time winter starts.

Winter brings along with it the cold season and viral infections, which may trigger celiac disease. More research needs to be done since the exact cause of celiac disease remains unknown.

The Study

  • Massachusetts General Hospital for Children performed study
  • 382 patients with celiac disease
  • Age diagnosed 11 months – 19 years
  • Children 15-19 showed no difference in birth season
  • 317 under 15 years of age had 57 percent born between March and August and 43 percent born between September and February
Reviewed by: 
Review Date: 
May 10, 2011
Last Updated:
May 14, 2011