Contributing Experts
Steve Leuck, Pharm.D.

Dr. Steve Leuck has been practicing both hospital and community pharmacy since 1987 when he graduated from the University of the Pacific School of Pharmacy.After the first 10 years of his practice in hospital pharmacy, Steve moved into a community pharmacy setting, filling a position in the out-patient/clinic pharmacy at the hospital he works at.
Over the years Steve has developed a passion for patient counseling and education. His passion led him to the understanding that current barriers to effective patient counseling do not always allow time for a pharmacist (depending upon the practice setting) to provide patients with an effective medication counseling session.
In the summer of 2011 Steve founded AudibleRx, which provides internet based, Medication Specific Counseling Sessions, in digital/audio format. These sessions are based on the OBRA 90 medication counseling regulation. After a patient or caregiver listens to a session they will have a good idea of what they do and don't know about their medication and be in a position to take educated questions back to their own pharmacist or doctor.
Steve's goal is to educate his patients about their medications so they will become motivated to participate in their own pharmacy care.