Combe, Inc. BrandsUpdated: November 8, 2013 Combe, Inc. manufacturers the following brands:Cepacol Cepacol Antibacterial Mouthwash Cepacol Dual Relief Cepacol Sore Throat Pain Relief Cepacol Sore Throat Plus Coating Cepacol Sore Throat Plus Cough Lanacane Odor Eaters Scalpicin Anti-Itch Scalpicin Itch Relief Scalpicin Scalp Relief Vagisil Original Formula Vagisil Satin Vagisil Wipes GenericsBack to TopCombe, Inc. manufacturers the following generics:Benzethonium Benzocaine Cetylpyridinium Dextromethorphan Glycerol Hydrocortisone Pectin Pramocaine Resorcinol Salicylic Acid Tolnaftate