Parent Classes
Updated: March 14, 2025
Medication Names by Generic
- Benzalkonium
- Abridge Cold SoreAbridge Maximum Strength Cold SoreAllercaineBactineBand-Aid Hurt-FreeBenz-AllBenzaBlister BlasterCicloferonClean ForceDigiSan E FoamDigiclean Slim-LineEco-Clean EliteFungisanHandclensHands First 4 in 1Healerz for NosesHerpetrolHex-O-PrepHorseman's Dream Fung-A-WayHy5InstantfoamKeepanKeystoneLysimaxLysol No-Touch Hand SoapLysol Touch of FoamMane 'N Tail Pro-TectMeditizeMercuroclearNeosporin Neo To Go!Neosporin Wound CleanserNobacNutri Vet AntimicrobialOrajel Mouth Sore MedicineOrajel Single Dose Cold SorePedi-ProPheneenPronto Plus Lice Egg RemoverPurell Instant FoamQore-24ReadyBathReleev Cold SoreRemedy 4-in-1RevitaDERM Wound CareRoccalSafeguard Antibacterial FoamingSani-Hands BasicsScar Zone Burn ReliefScrubsSentry HC HOTspotShing-ReleevSoftsoap AntibacterialSteiro LotionTerrasilThroat-ReleevTopicaleVeteran Shield 24ViroxynWhiskCare 377Zephiran
- Phenol
- BlistexBlistex Medicated LipCampho-PheniqueCastellani PaintCepastatChapIce with PhenolCheracol Sore ThroatChigaridChloraseptic Max SprayChloraseptic SprayDermagesic Itch ReliefMycinette Sore Throat SprayOra ReliefPain-A-Lay GargleRx-Act Sore ThroatStingEze w/ CamphorStingezeTriaminic Sore ThroatUlcereaseUnguentineUnguentine Maximum Strength
Medication Names by Brand
- Abridge Cold Sore
- Abridge Maximum Strength Cold Sore
- Aerodine
- Allercaine
- Alphadine
- Anti-Fungus Livestock Shampoo
- Antisept
- Bactine
- Band-Aid Hurt-Free
- Bedside-Care
- Benz-All
- Benza
- Betadine
- Betagen
- Biozide
- Blister Blaster
- Blistex
- Breath-Away
- Calagel
- Campho-Phenique
- Castellani Paint
- Cepacol Antibacterial Mouthwash
- Cepastat
- ChapIce with Phenol
- Cheracol Sore Throat
- Chigarid
- Chloraseptic Max Spray
- Chloraseptic Spray
- Cicloferon
- Clean Force
- Clinidine
- Colgate Total Mouthwash
- Crest Mouthwash
- Dermagesic Itch Relief
- Dermawound
- Dermoplast Antibacterial
- DigiSan E Foam
- Digiclean Slim-Line
- E-Z Scrub Povidone Iodine
- Eco-Clean Elite
- Efodine
- Fungisan
- Handclens
- Hands First 4 in 1
- Healerz for Noses
- Herpetrol
- Hex-O-Prep
- Horseman's Dream Fung-A-Way
- Hy5
- Instantfoam
- Iodex
- Keepan
- Keystone
- Lanacane
- Loris
- Lysimax
- Lysol Healthy Touch
- Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap
- Lysol Touch of Foam
- Mallisol
- Mane 'N Tail Pro-Tect
- Massengill Medicated Douche
- Meditize
- Mercuroclear
- Minidyne
- Mycinette Sore Throat Spray
- Neosporin Neo To Go!
- Neosporin Wound Cleanser
- New-Skin Liquid Bandage
- Nobac
- Nutri Vet Antimicrobial
- Ora Relief
- Orajel Bleeding Gum Rinse
- Orajel Mouth Sore Medicine
- Orajel Single Dose Cold Sore
- Oral-B Rinse
- Ovadine
- Pain-A-Lay Gargle
- Pedi-Pro
- Perifoam
- Pharmadine
- Pheneen
- Polydine
- Poviderm
- Povidex
- Povidex Peri
- Povidine
- Pronto Plus Lice Egg Remover
- Purell Instant Foam
- Qore-24
- ReadyBath
- Releev Cold Sore
- Remedy 4-in-1
- RevitaDERM Wound Care
- Rexall
- Roccal
- Rocco's Old School
- Rx-Act Sore Throat
- Safeguard Antibacterial Foaming
- Sani Guard
- Sani-Hands Basics
- Scar Zone Burn Relief
- Scrubs
- Sentry HC HOTspot
- Sepasoothe Reformulated Apr 2011
- Septicare
- Shing-Releev
- Simply Saline Wound Wash
- Skin Shield
- Softsoap Antibacterial
- St-37
- StaphAseptic
- Steiro Lotion
- Sucrets Original
- Summer's Eve Medicated
- Tecnu First Aid
- Terrasil
- Terrasil Wound Care
- Throat-Releev
- Topicale
- Triadine
- Triaminic Sore Throat
- Ulcerease
- Unguentine
- Unguentine Maximum Strength
- Vagi-Gard Douche
- Veteran Shield 24
- Veti-Foam
- Viroxyn
- WhiskCare 357
- WhiskCare 377
- Zephiran