Keep Calm and Meditate On
Some types of meditation allow you to move while you meditate. Qi Gong is part of traditional Chinese medicine and generally combines meditation, relaxation and physical movement with breath regulation to restore inner peace and balance. Tai Chi is a gentle form of Chinese martial arts that uses a series of self-paced postures and movements that transition slowly and gracefully. Yoga is a practice of postures and controlled breathing that help increase strength and flexibility, while keeping the mind calm. Yoga poses often require balance and concentration, helping the yogi to focus on the present moment.
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Review Date:
August 25, 2015Citation:
Mayo Clinic, "Elements of meditation" RxWiki, "Meditation: Strength Training for the Brain" Mayo Clinic, "Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress" NIH, "Meditation: What You Need To Know" Project-Meditation.Org, "Positive Effects of Meditation" Image courtesy of Olesia Bilkei | Image courtesy of Rawpixelimages | Image courtesy of Timothyoleary | Image courtesy of Guniita | Image courtesy of Kiosea39 | Image courtesy of Hongqi Zhang (aka Michael Zhang) | Image courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Image courtesy of Tadasp | Image courtesy of Peshkova |
Last Updated:
September 24, 2015