Tips for Adults with ADHD

Manage Your Time

If you find yourself frequently late, you’re not alone. This is a common struggle for those with ADHD because they often have a different perception of how time passes. To combat this, it may help to become a ‘clock-watcher’. While this may seem easier said than done, an easy start is to make a note of every plan you have coming up and the exact time it will start. Remember to allot yourself a certain amount of time for personal tasks and set an alarm so that you keep to that amount of time. Those with ADHD often have trouble estimating the amount of time it will take to complete a task, so you may want to add a ‘cushion time’ of 10 minutes for every 30 minutes that you’ve allotted for a task.

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Review Date: 
July 8, 2015

Last Updated:
July 8, 2015