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Hysterectomy Raises Iron Levels and Risks
Iron is an essential element for a properly functioning body, but extemes of iron in the blood have different consequences. Strategies for optimizing iron levels are discussed in new research from the University of California - Los Angeles.
A New Target for Stroke and Alzheimer's Drugs
The discovery of key brain receptors gives researchers new ammunition in finding new and innovative ways to treat Alzheimer's disease and disability from stroke.
Blood Test May Indicate Alzheimer's Impact
For many Alzheimer's patients, the disease slowly erodes brain cognition. Others aren't so lucky and the decline can be rapid. The problem is there's been no way to identify those that quickly decline and need aggressive treatment.
Alzheimer's Medication Shows Promise
In a small preliminary study the drug gantenerumab appears to reduce amyloid levels in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Small Silent Strokes Increase Risks
Small undetected strokes are not uncommon in older patients. These incidences may be contributing to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease in such patients.
Sleep May be Key to Reducing Alzheimer's Risk
Could a good night's sleep be a key to reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease? It's still speculation, but a link between sleep and the rise and fall of a marker for the disease have given scientists hope.
Substantial Alzheimer's Guideline Changes
A proposed change in guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease means patients will be examined for signs of the disease after their death even if they never exhibited symptoms suggesting the diagnosis.
Drugs Found Safe for Dementia Patients
Several studies over the summer suggested that common drugs taken by the elderly including antidepressants and antihistamines might cause additional cognitive impairment in those suffering from dementia.
Dementia Cases Going Undiagnosed
As many as 36 million worldwide are suffering from some type of dementia, yet about three quarters of them have not been diagnosed, partly because it is often falsely considered a normal part of aging.
Insulin Nose Spray May Slow Alzheimer's Progression
A surprising therapy may help slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Using a daily insulin nasal spray may curb symptoms and even improve cognition and function for those with the neurodegenerative disease.