AsthmaInfo Center

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Childhood Asthma Leaves a Mark
Many people who develop asthma during childhood or young adulthood outgrow it by the time they are older. New research suggests that their lungs may be affected even when the symptoms are long gone.
Infertility and Childhood Asthma
When a couple has trouble conceiving, they may use infertility treatments to get pregnant. New research suggests there could be a connection between these treatments and childhood asthma.
Does Your Work Make You Sick?
Many jobs come with monthly sick days. What if you have to use those days because it's your job that's making you sick?
Using the Mind to Reduce Inflammation
If you're in pain, you probably don't feel great. If you're emotionally frustrated or upset, it can make your pain worse. So then how do you break the cycle?
From Mama’s Achoo! to Baby’s Asthma
Is stopping to smell the roses a bad idea if you’re eight months pregnant? One rose too many might not be advised.
Kids Get a Breath of Smoke-Free Air
Asthma attacks are serious problems, especially in children. Why aggravate asthma attacks that lead to hospital visits by exposing kids to smoke?
Asthma Not Linked to Birth Weight
As asthma rates have climbed in recent years, researchers have tried to understand all the possible causes of the condition. Now, at least one possible factor can be ruled out.
Is Fast Food Flaring Kids' Allergies?
It’s no surprise to find out that healthy kids eat healthy food. But what about kids who eat fast food several times per week? Can the body be allergic to junk food?
Low Income, High Asthma, Poor Health
It takes a lot out of kids who run and play. They can be even more breathless if they live and exercise in an asthma hotspot, typically located in lower-income neighborhoods. Do you live in a 'hotspot'?
Childhood Abuse Linked to Adult Asthma
Stress from abuse as a child can affect people when they become adults. A new study found that childhood abuse can contribute to developing asthma and may trigger adult asthma as well.