AsthmaInfo Center

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Cost of Asthma Medications Doubled
The numbers of children being treated for asthma are going up - and so is the cost of their medication. Annual asthma drug expenses have more than doubled over a 10-year period.
Back to School with Asthma requires Planning
It's back-to-school time, when kids and their parents shop for new clothes, check off the school supply list, and get ready for the new year.
Pollution TRAP and Asthma
If you've ever fueled up at a truck stop, there's no doubt you've inhaled exhaust from diesel-fueled vehicles. Clearly, this is something to avoid, if at all possible.
Asthma and Mom's Pregnancy Depression
Typical American families run on the unspoken motto, "If Mamma's not happy, then nobody's happy." Can a depressed, expecting mom distress the health of her unborn child?
Ancient Korean Herb's Method Observed
Ancient herbal remedies are sometimes worthwhile. In this case, the ancient Koreans using So-Cheong-Ryong-Tang (SCRT) to treat allergies may have been on to something.
Up in Smoke
There's no question that the wildfire sweeping across drought-stricken areas of the United States can be devastating. New research suggests that more than your property is at risk.
Steel Magnolias Fight Colds
"Women from the south are graceful, gentle like the branches of a magnolia tree, yet strong as steel to withstand tornados... they are like steel magnolias."  A recent study found that young women have a significantly stronger constitution than men when fighting off the common cold.
The Skinny on New Asthma Drug
A new generation asthma drug Formoterol, which is a synthetic catecholamine, seems to improve metabolism too. Could it be quit coughing and get skinny time?
Cockroach Allergens Linked To Asthma
Children can live as little as two blocks from each other in New York City and have an asthma occurrence two to three times greater in one neighborhood as opposed to the other. Researchers decided to take a look at each asthmatic's home environment.
Personal Medicine Goes High Tech With Online Journal
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) has published a free, easy-to-use online tool to track exercise-induced asthma symptoms. This high tech journal is designed for patients to record asthma attacks triggered by exercise.