AsthmaInfo Center
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Got Asthma? Get off the Couch
For some asthma patients, exercise can trigger shortness of breath and other related symptoms — but new evidence suggests that having asthma doesn't have to keep you out of the game.
Breathing Not So Easy for Some Women
Asthma can affect anyone, but asthma attacks may have very different outcomes for men and women.
New Asthma Rx Approved
Adult asthma patients will soon have a new treatment available to them.
Testing Air Quality IQ
Do you tend to ignore air quality reports, thinking they're only for people with certain breathing problems? This week, experts are highlighting how air quality can affect everyone.
City Address Not the Culprit in Kids' Asthma Risk
Worried about the effect of that smoggy city air on your child? You may be able to breathe easy. Part of the asthma rate in cities may be tied to factors other than the air.
Sleep on It: Asthma Tied to Sleep Breathing Problems
It's a twist on the classic puzzle about the chicken and the egg. Which comes first — asthma or sleep apnea?
Asthma Inhalers, Allergy Devices Could Save Lives
In a severe allergy attack, patients may need to take medication fast — and using medication incorrectly could slow this process. Many patients may need more education on how to use their medications properly.
Immune Diseases Were More Common in Those Born by C-Section
Could the birth process have a role in immune disease development? A common birthing method may raise babies' risk of immune diseases later, a new study found.
Asthma May Put the Heart in Peril
Asthma and heart attack may share similar symptoms, such as chest tightness and shortness of breath. The link between the two, however, may go beyond that. Asthma may increase the odds of having a heart attack.
Sleep Apnea Procedure May Improve Childhood Asthma
Asthma attacks can be stressful health scares for both children and their parents. But new research shows that a sleep disorder treatment could offer relief.