Bladder CancerInfo Center

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Diabetes Drug Linked to Cancer
The medications you take need to leave the body somehow, and for some drugs, the kidneys are vulnerable to any side effects since they have such a high level of exposure to the bloodstream.
How to Treat Bladder Cancer
Patients with bladder cancer have several options, but the recent trend towards combination therapies can be confusing even for professionals.
An Unlikely Threesome
Hanging laundry out to dry is a time-honored tradition. You can't get fresher smelling laundry, and sunshine really is a great panacea, able to kill even the hardiest bugs.
Robots in the Operating Room
The phrase robotic surgery may sound scary, but it just means that surgeons sits at a computer. They control a precise machine that has the ability to make much smaller cuts than otherwise possible.
Predicting Bladder Cancer Prognosis
Research into cancer involves two basic questions - how did this happen, and how can we fix it.
Shift in Bladder Cancer Management
Bladder cancer likes to return after treatment. It also tends to get worse - going from what's called nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer ( NMIBC ) to a form that invades surrounding tissue.
Radiation, Chemo Beats Bladder Surgery
Bladder cancer is normally been treated with surgery alone, but the risk of complications from any surgery prevent it from being the solution for everyone.
Adding Chemo to Cancer Surgery
Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation. The choice used to be simple, but doctors are taking a closer look at combination therapy, using elements of several treatments for the best outcome.
Smoking up Your Bladder Cancer Risk
Smoking is associated with lung cancer in the minds of many, yet appears to also be the number one risk factor for bladder cancer as well.
Kicking Bladder Cancer's Butt
Bladder cancer, most often caused by smoking or exposure to cancer-causing agents in the workplace, is a persistent form of the disease. It often returns after treatment.