CardiovascularInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Toll of Diabetes After Angioplasty
Diabetes can lead to complications that reduce blood flow, putting patients at risk of heart attack. To improve blood flow, patients may go through a procedure called angioplasty. But not all angioplasties are created equal.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Diabetics Doing Better after Blood Flow Fix
When drugs aren't doing the trick to relieve pain from narrowed arteries, doctors may recommend procedures to restore blood flow. For diabetes patients undergoing one of these procedures, outcomes seem to have improved.
When Your Aneurysm Needs Surgery
Treating aneurysms requires surgery. Aneurysms are areas of the aorta that are swollen and weakened. If the aneurysm isn't operated on, it can rupture and lead to death.
Generic Statins as Good as Brand Name
Statins are medications used for the treatment of high cholesterol. They come in many branded and generic forms. Does it matter which one a physician prescribes?
Beta Blockers May Protect the Brain
High blood pressure has been linked to higher risk of dementia. Using certain high blood pressure drugs may protect the brain from damage.
Heart Device Follow-Up Still Low
Follow-up care after an implanted heart device, such as a pacemaker, is recommended for optimal care. Though the number receiving follow-up appointments is low, research shows significant strides have been made in recent years.
Women Can Take Treatment Like a Man
Women and men have differences in their anatomy. Sometimes these differences can determine what kind of aneurysm treatment they get.
Treatments to Avoid During a Heart Attack
You've no doubt seen ads or been solicited to give blood. There's a good reason. Donated blood for transfusion is an important, life-saving resource that must be used judiciously. When should doctors decide to give it?
What Can Chest Pain Signal When You Exercise?
Ischemic heart disease ( IHD ) affects nearly one in three adults. Keeping it stable by managing symptoms can prevent worsening of the disease.