CardiovascularInfo Center

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Spare Tires Cause Heart Issues
An individual's risk of sudden cardiac death isn't just tied to whether they are overweight or obese. It's also associated with the specific part of the body carrying the added weight.
Cardiac Ablation Superior for Afib Therapy
A new study suggests that patients with a common heart arrhythmia could be best treated with cardiac ablation -- a procedure that destroys heart tissue responsible for the heart rhythm disorder -- over drugs.
Longevity Improved Following Heart Valve Surgery
Patients who receive a heart valve for disease common among the elderly are living longer following surgery. Researchers have said improved surgical techniques, and lower rates of post-operative complications have improved.
Helping Little Hearts Pump Better
Viagra may not just be for dads anymore. Drugs can often be used for multiple unrelated purposes, and it turns out sildenafil , the generic version of Viagra, might help children and young adults with heart defects. A recent small study has found that the drug helped improve the functioning of the heart in a group of children who had a specific type of congenital heart defect. Sildenafil is already used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs, and some evidence has shown it might be able to treat adults with heart failure. Talk to your child's cardiologist about emerging hear...
Heart Failure Impacts Quality of Life for Men
Women are commonly affected by depression more often, and more severely when it hits. However, it appears to be men who suffer a greater emotional toil when it comes to a diagnosis of heart failure.
Survival Higher for Bypass Surgery
Patients with blocked coronary arteries who receive bypass surgery are more likely to survive five years as compared to balloon angioplasty, though many clinical characteristics play a role in effectiveness.
Stroke Clot Busters Safe for Warfarin Patients
Clot busting drugs are safe for administering to stroke patients taking blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin), a new study has revealed.
Lower Blood Pressure A Phone Call Away
Dropping high blood pressure might be just a phone call away. A new study has found that telephone support from pharmacists can help patients lower their blood pressure.
Which Hospital Offers the Best Heart Treatment?
Heart attack patients immediately rushed to hospitals capable of using a balloon catheter to clear blocked arteries are more likely to receive treatment sooner.
Not All 'Good' Cholesterol is Beneficial
Most patients are aware that "good" HDL cholesterol can protect against coronary heart disease. However, scientists have found that not all HDL cholesterol benefits the heart, and some may even be harmful.