CardiovascularInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

Less Coffee, Less Beer, Less Pressure
Sometimes, there is nothing you can do to protect yourself from disease. However, simply changing some of your habits can help you avoid other health problems like high blood pressure.
The Highest of the High Risk
Diabetes can be scary. It can cause all sorts of health problems, as many patients face a high risk of early death from heart attack or stroke. Now, research shows that a common test could spot those patients with the highest risk of early death.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Know Your Risk
Do you know how fast you can run a mile? If not, maybe you should find out. It could let you know your risk of dying of heart attack or stroke.
Children Cardiovascular Disease Risks
Before the age of video games and the internet, children spent most of their time outdoors running and playing. Now children are spending vast amounts of time in the house watching TV or playing on the computer.
Former Cowboy Ron Springs Dead at 54
Ron Springs, former running back for the Dallas Cowboys, died last Thursday from a heart attack, according to the Cowboys website. He was 54 years old.
Taking out Tonsils for Kids' Hearts
Hey, kids! Do you want to eat ice cream for a week and protect your heart health? Well, research shows that getting your tonsils removed might let you do just that.
Breathing Better Helps Their Hearts
For many people, having sleep apnea just makes it hard to sleep. For many others it can lead to dangerous heart problems. Now, research shows that a certain treatment can lower the risk of heart-related death in some sleep apnea patients.
Sneaky and Sudden Killer
Some health problems can come out of nowhere, even under the watchful eye of a doctor. Hospital patients can be suddenly hit by a complication that seems separate from the reason they were put in the hospital in the first place.
Spotting Exploding Hearts
We know heart problems are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. That's why it is important to spot people who are at risk sooner, rather than later. One of the deadliest heart conditions is hardest to diagnose.
Brain Aneurysms' 7 Deadly Sins
Coffee, exercise and sex? A new list of pleasurable activities that can raise the risk for rupturing a brain aneurysm. Researchers from the Netherlands published a new study identifing the "seven deadly activities."