CardiovascularInfo Center
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Their Hearts Will Go On
Mammalian newborn hearts can heal themselves completely, according to new research from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Fast-Food Nation
Fast food -- which is tremendously high in fat and salt content -- remains a favorite food for a number of patients who have had a heart attack.
A New Way to Track an Age-Old Killer
Scientists at the University of Leicester at Singapore have developed a blood pressure-reading device that is set to revolutionize diagnostic technology.
Tracking Triglycerides
Stroke risk in men and women increases with higher levels of non-fasting triglycerides (a type of blood fat), according to new research.
Big-Hearted, Ill-Fated
Scientists have introduced congenital heart disease-causing mutations in mice and then successfully treated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) -- the thickening of heart muscle.
Adherence Therapy 101
Although a quarter of the world's population experiences hypertension, around half of them do not take their medication as instructed, according to a new study.
Don't Miss a Beat
A meta-analysis of 14 studies has led researchers to believe that even moderate alcohol consumption can contribute to atrial fibrillation, or irregular heart beat.
The High Costs of Intra-Cranial Angioplasty
Angioplasty and stenting of intra-cranial vessels (blood vessels in the skull that supply blood to the brain) is linked to nearly triple the cost of regular care for stroke, according to a new study.
Come On back and See Us Real Soon
Hospital readmission rates for elderly black patients are greater than those of white patients, according to a new study.
Another Heartbreaker
The way the heart responds to beating may predict cardiac death regardless of conventional risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking and diabetes.