Chronic Pain ConditionsInfo Center
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Two-for-One Deal with Antibiotic
It's a "twofer": who knew that a medicine used for fighting infections could also be a pain reliever for surgery?
Looking for Answers for Kids’ Chronic Pain
Children with particular long-term diseases may experience chronic pain. Yet children can also experience chronic pain even if the cause is less clear.
Zapping Cancer Pain Away
Living pain free can make a big difference for cancer patients, especially when the cancer has spread to sensitive areas such as the bone.
Trouble Coping with Pain
Past research has shown the risk for suicide to be higher in people with mental health disorders. Now, it seems the risk for suicide may be found in people with long-term pain as well.
Misdiagnosing Post-Stroke Pain
Days or even weeks after a stroke, some patients experience intense pain. Medications and magnetic or electrical stimulation can help, but doctors often fail to correctly diagnose the condition.
Facing the Pain in Fear of Addiction
In the United States, there is a common fear that taking pain medications for a long period of time could lead to addiction. And this fear may extend beyond those taking medications for chronic pain.
Military PTSD Outlasts Physical Pain
Serious injuries can leave marks on both the body and the mind. Combat veterans with leg and arm injuries may feel a mental health burden long after physical pain eases.
Aches & Pains Higher in Smokers
Quitting smoking, may at the very least, ease chronic pain conditions. Even occasional smoking may still contribute to long-term pain in seniors.
Pain Relieving Shots of Bone Marrow
Doctors can harvest all sorts of things from a person’s own body to reuse in another area. Deep within people's bones, there is a substance that may help manage back pain.
Two Good Reasons to Get a Shingles Jab
Seeing the doctor to get a routine vaccine doesn't stop when you outgrow childhood. In fact, seniors over age 65 are encouraged to get the shingles vaccine – and for good reason.