Colon CancerInfo Center

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Why Colorectal Cancer Survivors Shouldn't Smoke
Patients who have survived colorectal cancer have been through a lot. And they may go through more if they keep lighting up.
Vitamin D May Vanquish Colon Cancer
Mom's advice to take your vitamins could be right on target. Vitamin D — the “sunshine vitamin” — might help prevent colon cancer.
Surgery Down, Survival Up for Colorectal Cancer
As the surgery rate for stage IV colorectal cancer patients has dropped and the rates of other treatments have risen, the survival rate for these patients has spiked.
Cancer Screening May Benefit Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients may need to take extra precautions to lower their risk for cancer or catch it early.
Spotting Colon Cancer Sooner Saves Lives
For years, colon cancer has appeared to be more dangerous for blacks than for other groups. Researchers say more screening and earlier detection could close this racial gap in colon cancer survival.
Aspirin May Not Be Worth the Risk
Thinking about taking a daily aspirin to improve your health? You may want to think again. Some side effects of aspirin may outweigh the medication's benefits.
Colorectal Cancer Deaths Tied to Socioeconomic Factors
Colon and rectal cancer rates have been rising among young adults, a recent study found. And new research found that colorectal cancer deaths may be tied to social and economic inequality.
Colorectal Cancer Rate in Young Patients Rose
In recent years, rates of some types of cancers have dropped in older patients. But new research suggests the rate of colorectal cancer may be on the rise in younger patients.
Knowing Cancer Risk May Not Increase Screening Adherence
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer death in the US. And, despite knowing they face a raised risk for CRC, some patients aren’t following the doctor's orders to have routine cancer screenings.
Leading a Healthy Life Reduced Risk for Bowel Cancer
Medical procedures like colonoscopies and chemotherapy can be great screening tools and treatments for bowel cancer. But patients may be able to take measures at home to reduce their risk for this disease.