DepressionInfo Center
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Bullies Need Love Too
Most of the discussion about bullying focuses on a bully's victims. But the bullies themselves may be dealing with their own issues which contribute to their bad behavior.
Don’t Let Bladder Cancer Get You Down
Bladder cancer is certainly no picnic. But, maintaining a healthy emotional state may play a big role in recovering from it.
Angry, Anxious, or All of the Above?
In the grocery store your toddler throws a tantrum, everyone turns to watch as you attempt to handle the situation. You are probably feeling embarrassed, angry, and frustrated.
Impact of Abuse is Far-Reaching
The long-term psychological effects of rape are not news. But women who are raped often suffer in many less obvious and unseen ways.
Are You What You Eat?
Most people aren't surprised if pigging out at the all-you-can-eat buffet leaves them feeling a bit queasy. But what if it had been an all-you-can-eat fruit-and-vegetable bar?
If You're Anxious and You Know It...
One of the best ways to get early treatment for dementia is to see the early signs — and know your risk of developing it. Past mental health conditions are some of those risk factors.
Baby Language Linked to Mom’s Mood
One of the concerns about taking antidepressants while pregnant is the possible effects on the baby. Surprisingly, these medications may help a baby's language development.
Have You Been Screened for Depression?
Everyone has their good and bad days. But when the bad days are significantly outnumbering the good ones, how do you know if it might be depression? You seek help to find out.
Anxious and Moody, Tossing and Turning
Managing multiple mental health conditions, like a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder, can be more challenging than managing just one. It can also make insomnia worse.
Stuck With Leftover Depression Symptoms?
Often, serious depression occurs in episodes, it can come and go. But what happens when some depression symptoms stick around, even if the episode is lifting?