DepressionInfo Center

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Does Pollen Make Bipolar Depression Worse?
Do allergic reactions affect bipolar depression? Could an immune reaction to pollen compromise one's mental health?
Vitamin D May Help Chase Blues Away
Depression, as a result of a vitamin D deficiency, is easy to test for and easy to fix.  One major risk factor for a vitamin D deficiency is not getting enough exposure to sunlight.
Milk Fights off Teenage Mental Health
It’s summertime, and for some teens that means soaking up the sun. But could getting the right amounts of vitamin D affect more than just skin?
Depressed on Facebook?
What if there was software out there that could alert people that they were depressed and prompt them to seek treatment? Internet pattern data is easy to collect, software development won’t be too far behind.
New Mom? Tell Us All About It!
Becoming a mom brings along all kinds of new responsibilities, emotions and stresses. Sharing these experiences with others can be one way to cope with the changes.
Guns are Risky Around Kids
Talking to parents about their children's risk of suicide can be as difficult as identifying a suicidal teen. A culture of familiarity with guns can complicate the discussion.
Depression, Anxiety and Your Risk of Stroke
There is a lot of evidence suggesting that coronary heart disease is linked to psychological distress symptoms like anxiety and depression. However, it may be that heart disease is not the only risk.
Pain Management By "Adele"
Most people listen to music for their own pleasure, but many are unaware of how profoundly it affects them. These effects may lead music to become an important psychological treatment.
Preventing Drug Abuse in Depressed Youths
Adolescents who get treatment for their major depressive disorder ( MDD ) before they begin abusing drugs are less likely to start. Early treatment is the best prevention method.
Parental Conflicts Create Child’s Problems
A child’s first glimpse of the world is through his or her parents. These early experiences will significantly shape who he or she become later in life, and marital problems may have long lasting negative effects.