Drug AddictionInfo Center

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Drug to Treat Opioid Abuse
Doctors may have found a drug to help people transition off opioids . Similar to the way methadone helps heroin addicts, Suboxone may work for opioid users.
No Training Can Mean Methadone Overdoses
New guidelines by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outline needed changes in policy for methadone, saying that the medication needs to be used only for heroin addiction, palliative care, and cancer-related pain.
Teens & Pot Laws
When marijuana was made medically legal in certain states, researchers found teenager’s desire or ability to gain access was not impacted. It appears dispensaries aren’t weed candy stores for minors.
Working to Improve Foster Kids' Lives
Moving from one family to the next in the foster system doesn't leave much opportunity for building relationships with individual foster families. A new program aims to help this.
Has Medical Marijuana Increased Usage?
Does easier access to marijuana mean higher rates of use and abuse? Or does a community’s attitude have more to do with people smoking weed?
Relapse Prevention is Your Best Bet
A new argument is being made asserting that continual treatment of addicts could actually lower their overall healthcare costs in the long run, despite the sometimes heavy cost of continual treatment.
Supplement to Help Quit Pot
A common nutritional supplement might help people who want to quit smoking pot finally be able to. N-acetylcysteine ( NAC ) taken while also attending brief drug counseling helped people kick the habit.
Cocaine Vaccine's Future
Scientists have developed a cocaine vaccine that uses the common cold virus to engage the immune system and blocks the drug’s absorption. Early stages of testing show great promise.
Preventing Drug Abuse in Depressed Youths
Adolescents who get treatment for their major depressive disorder ( MDD ) before they begin abusing drugs are less likely to start. Early treatment is the best prevention method.
International Soccer Players & Painkillers
Professional soccer players all over the world are overusing and abusing painkillers to stay on the field. Long-term health consequences of the abuse of painkillers are cause for growing concern among doctors.