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Heart Device Is Not a Sports Spoiler
Many people who have implantable defibrillators to treat their irregular heartbeats are advised to take it easy when it comes to sports, but this recommendation may be overly cautious.
Taking the Risk to Play at All Costs
Some football coaches instill a "do whatever it takes" attitude to play as hard as possible to win. Athletes can embrace this attitude even through a head injury.
That Concussion Will Go Away
When an athlete suffers a concussion from a hard hit to the head, it can be difficult to predict how long that concussion will last. It seems several factors may be ruled out when it comes to predicting recovery time.
Tougher Concussion Rules for Athletes
Coaches and trainers will no longer think twice about pulling an athlete out after a severe smack to the head.
Safety Gear Doesn’t Stop Concussions
Helmets and mouth guards do a lot to protect the head from injury. How well the equipment protects against concussion is another story.
More Than A Bump On The Head
Injuries can be a matter of course for sports-loving teenagers. But when it comes to injuries to the head, it may be necessary to take extra care to prevent long lasting effects.
Does Rinse and Repeat Apply To CT Scans?
Patients want the best care, especially when it comes to potential brain injury. Is more scanning always the best option or is it best to wait for evidence that imaging is needed?
How Safe is Your Playground?
Swings, slides and jungle gyms are standard sights in neighborhood playgrounds, but so are trips and falls. A safe playground can ensure fewer injuries from those falls.
You are Benched
Not so fast. Head injury still bothering you? You might not be allowed to play just yet. "No athlete diagnosed with a concussion should return to play on the same day or while symptomatic," the authors of a recent report said.
More Grim News for Gridiron?
Football has always been a dangerous game. Now researchers are learning more about the long-term effects professional players may be experiencing from career-related head injuries.