Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

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Meal Planning and Your Heart
When and how often you eat might have an effect on your risk for heart problems and stroke, according to a new scientific statement.
Several Supplements May Contain Hidden Ingredients
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as dietary supplements for weight loss or erectile dysfunction may do you more harm than good.
The Link Between Asthma and Obesity
Children with asthma may be more likely to become obese, according to a new study.
How Much Fish Is Too Much?
A fear of mercury may be driving lower fish consumption, but that could be keeping some groups from getting important nutrients and protein from fish.
The Benefits of Cutting Down on Salt
A policy that would reduce salt intake by 10 percent over 10 years could save millions of lives around the world, according to a new study.
What's Really in Your Child's Juice?
Low-calorie sweeteners like aspartame are a growing part of American children's diets, according to a new study.
Too Much Red Meat Might Hurt Your Bowels
Eating a lot of red meat might raise your risk for a common bowel condition called diverticulitis, according to a new study.
Preventing Peanut Allergies
A panel of experts has released new guidelines to potentially help health care providers prevent peanut allergies from developing in children.
Why Folic Acid Is Important for Women
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is doubling down on its recommendation that women who could become pregnant should take a folic acid supplement.
Parental Obesity Might Affect Child Development
Dad's weight may be tied to his child's personal-social functioning, according to a new study.