Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

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Another Reason to Avoid Processed Carbs
Sugar and other processed carbohydrates may be tied to a raised risk of cancer, a new study found.
BMI Vs. Waist Circumference for Heart Health
For predicting heart disease risk, waist circumference may be a better tool than body mass index (BMI), a new study found.
Pre-Pregnancy Caffeine May Spell Trouble
Caffeine consumption in the weeks before pregnancy and during early pregnancy may be linked to miscarriage, a new study found.
How Vitamin C Might Help You See
A diet high in vitamin C could cut the risk of cataract progression by a third, suggests a study published recently in the journal Ophthalmology .
The Truth About Alcohol
You hear a lot about moderate alcohol intake and good health, but the research backing up those claims might be flawed, a new study found.
Lose Weight on Your Way to Work
Adults who cycle or walk to work may have lower body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) in midlife, compared to adults who drive.
When Cells Eat Too Much Sugar, It Could Be Bad for Your Heart
Researchers have known for a while that chronic inflammation may play a part in coronary artery disease, but haven’t known where the inflammation may be coming from — until now.
Omega-3s During Pregnancy: How They Might Help Baby
Lots of research suggests that omega-3s may have health benefits for those who consume them. For pregnant women, those benefits may extend to baby.
An In-Depth Look at Childhood Obesity
With nearly one-third of all US children ages 2 to 19 currently overweight or obese, childhood obesity has become an epidemic. Fortunately, this condition is preventable in many cases.
Weight Loss: A Little Could Do a Lot
For overweight patients, attempting to shed those extra pounds can be daunting. But even dropping a few can have profound health benefits, new evidence suggests.