Irritable Bowel SyndromeInfo Center
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From Stomach Aches to Headaches
When the stomach's yearning for food, heads can start aching as well. And it can happen more often among people with stomach problems.
Low Feeling in the Gut
Stomach distress can put extra distress on persons with long-term stomach problems-- even those who have little to no pain, the problem still persists.
One Tummy Fix for Other Troubles
One stomach ache here can cause another kind of stomach ache there. And if that's the case, can one treatment help out both?
The Bugs That Cause the Stomach Bug
Thousands of teeny tiny microbes live in your stomach and body on a regular basis. But too much of certain unseen bugs could mean the start of long-term stomach problems.
Upping the Dose in Crohn's Treatments
Easing the discomfort with Crohn's disease remains a difficult task. Though the troubles could be swayed with two medicines, the effects are temporary.
Moving Fast with a Cup of Joe
While that good cup of coffee gets your day going, it can also help the bathroom flow, even among patients having colon surgery.
Botox for Your Bladder
Say bye-bye to the wrinkles, and to the need to visit the toilet all the time.
A Safe Tummy Test
It can take a lot of poking, cash and time to find out what that stomach problem is. For kids, it can be even more difficult to deal with the prodding.
Smoke Damage Hits Low and Long
Damage from smoking can creep below our lungs. Our stomachs can hurt, the pain can spread into the colon, and the pain can stay even if we quit.
Affected On the Out and In
What happens on the outside can affect us on the inside. And it happens both ways, specifically among patients with psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases.