Mental HealthInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Parenting a Child With Diabetes
Each year, more than 30,000 people, both children and adults, are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. When a person is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, which often happens in childhood, an entire lifestyle change is needed.
Can Vital Vitamins Help Slow Dementia?
There is no known way to prevent dementia currently. However, researchers are learning more about ways to possibly slow it down or lessen the risk of the disease.
To Smoke or To Dip?
Which is more addictive - smoking tobacco or smokeless tobacco? Tobacco may be able to hook users one way or the other.
Internet Addicts Like Other Addicts
Does being away from the Internet feel wrong? Are thoughts of being on the Internet constant? Internet addiction is the real deal.
It’s All in the Way You Look at It
Diagnosing some brain disorders requires testing that can be expensive and complicated. What if something as simple as the way a person moves their eyes could show if they had Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder ( FASD )?
Mental Health Meds and Driving Risks
Medications prescribed for common mental health conditions can be incredibly important treatment options. However, they come with risks as well.
How a Bully is Made
If prevention relies on knowledge, how do you prevent bullying? You figure out what child is most likely to become one.
Facebook Trumping Exercise Time
Did you Instagram your run today? Or tweet about your walk? Most of the time spent on Facebook and other networking sites could be taking away from your cardio or 30-minute yoga class.
Smoke Damage Hits Low and Long
Damage from smoking can creep below our lungs. Our stomachs can hurt, the pain can spread into the colon, and the pain can stay even if we quit.
Why Does Violence Affect Health?
Experiencing violence as a child raises the risk of health problems later in life. A new study is trying to understand why this risk is higher.