Mental HealthInfo Center
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Ecstasy During Pregnancy a Bad Idea
A study on how ecstasy during pregnancy might affect babies at 4 months old was published early this year. Now those babies are a year old. They're still developing slowly.
With Schizophrenia, Sooner is Better
It seems to make logical sense for any mental health condition: the faster you get treatment, the better you end up. If you have schizophrenia, it's true even decades later.
Treat Kids’ Sleep Apnea Without Surgery
Sleep apnea in children can lead to serious health problems. Many children don't like to wear masks for treatment, and parents may not want them to have surgery.
How are American Women Handling Depression?
Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world. Yet the condition often goes undiagnosed and untreated. And guess what, women are most often undiagnosed.
Anorexics See Others As Normal
Can anorexics see body size accurately? In a test, anorexics saw other people as their actual size, but saw themselves as larger than they actually were.
Binge Drinking & Unemployment
Which comes first: binge drinking or unemployment? Is binge drinking behavior different for women than it is for men? Read on for answers.
Oral Cancer From Dip
Dipping or using chew may not cause lung cancer, but oral cancer is still a big risk. Smokeless tobacco products have nitrosamines , which can cause cancer at high levels.
Prescription Monitoring Programs
Treating addiction to painkillers may start with electronic monitoring of prescriptions. Doctor shopping and selling excess prescriptions may be a thing of the past.
Hormones Linked to Improved Thinking
Drugs are often used to help memory in people with dementia. New research is looking into ways a hormone may help people with dementia too. A recent study found that taking a hormone, which is a natural part of the body’s function, improved thinking skills for elderly people.
Secondhand Smoke Puts Kids at Risk
The cough reflex works to eject toxins from the respiratory system. If the cough reflex doesn’t work right, respiratory infection risk is higher.