Mental HealthInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Preemies More Likely if Mom Takes SRIs
Deciding whether to take certain mental health medications during pregnancy requires weighing the benefits to the mother against the risks to the baby.
Improving Language through Play
Early interventions for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can be helpful for children. Some programs train parents as a way to help children.
Dementia: Younger Means Faster
Risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases with age, but the way the disease progresses varies. Some people with AD start having symptoms in their sixties and others much later.
The Importance of Taking a Pill
Taking a pill everyday can be a challenge but, depending on your condition, it may be necessary. Although all conditions have some rate of medication non-adherence, skipping a pill plays a particularly important role in those patients with schizophrenia.
Moms Feel Good about Breastfeeding
Many studies have established the health benefits of breastfeeding for both babies and mothers. But less attention has been paid to a mother’s emotional experience with breastfeeding.
Calling in Sick - When Anxious or Depressed
Many workers need to take a "mental health day" now and then. But how much of a person's mental health influences their long-term use of sick leave?
Sniffing out Dementia
Simple memories, like being able to identify a smell, can be affected in later stages of dementia. However, research suggests that changes in smell memory may show up early.
Is There A Better Way To Treat PTSD?
Traditional treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) involves hours in therapy and often trying different medications. Luckily, a new method of treatment may be able to help millions who suffer from PTSD.
Elder Abuse in Communities
Sometimes the elderly have a hard time reaching out for help when they are being abused. Cultural differences and language barriers can keep minorities from reporting abuse. A recent study uncovered higher rates of elder abuse in Latino communities than previously reported.
Changing College Drinking Habits
College kids can hurt others or themselves when they engage in risky drinking behavior. Community interventions can help in the long run. A recent study designed a plan to combat high-risk drinking behavior on college campuses.