Mental HealthInfo Center

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Can Childhood Stress Inflame Later?
Stress can make people feel tired and depressed, but why? The body responds to emotional stress with inflammation just like it would with a physical injury.
Mentally Ill at Risk in Heat Waves
When the temperature climbs into the triple digits outside, death rates can climb as well. Extreme heat waves can be especially dangerous for those with mental disorders.
Methadone Overdoses
Methadone can be prescribed safely for cancer-level pain and heroin addiction. When abused, it’s responsible for more prescription painkiller overdose deaths than any other opioid .
Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) can progress into other forms of dementia, like Alzheimer’s disease. Science is trying to find ways to predict when MCI will get worse.
Trauma of Violence Runs Deep for Kids
A child, like an adult, does not need to experience violence to be affected by it. Just witnessing violent events can affect a child's mental health - and possibly physical health, too.
One Effective Heroin Treatment
Among the treatments for dependence on opioids such as heroin or hydrocodone are methadone maintenance treatments, which block a person's cravings and relieve withdrawal symptoms.
Autism Linked to Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia
Research is looking for ways to understand which children are at risk for autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ), because knowing the risk factors can help with early detection.
Does Facebook Make Us Feel Special?
Some Facebook users can get a jolt of self esteem after interacting on the site. When a person edits their profile, they can touch up how they see themselves.
Child’s Play May Improve Language Skills
Children with autism may have difficulty learning language. As autism is detected in ever younger children, interventions may help to improve language learning.
Borderline Personality Linked to Obesity
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) features can interfere with relationships and work. Those same features may also affect general health.