Mental HealthInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Foreclosures Causing Depression
For people behind on their mortgage payments or going through foreclosure, there are high rates of depression.
Walking Your Way Back to Brain Health
Relearning how to walk after a stroke or brain injury can be a difficult task. An innovative method for alternating walking patterns may aid patients in regaining their usual walking ability.
Severe Depression Under-Treated
About 11 percent of Americans aged 12 and over take antidepressant medications. Yet only about one-third of severely depressed people are on such medication.
Healthy GPS Shoes
It's not uncommon for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease to become confused and wander off. New shoes with built-in GPS systems may help ensure that seniors with dementia can be tracked and safely brought home.
Praising Yourself Into Depression
Boosting your own self-esteem is generally thought of as a good thing, but apparently it can be too much of a good thing.
Marijuana: Same Plant, Different Possibilities
Plants have many purposes on this earth– some can be used as medicine, food, material and others can be used to alter the mind. Different strains of marijuana can do both, but how?
Shy or Social Phobic?
Do you have trouble getting your teen to enjoy social gatherings? You might just think your teen is shy but they could have a more serious problem known as social phobia.
Bar Drinks Costs $2 More
For many Americans, Friday is just the beginning of a three day break. During this time, alcohol consumption is not uncommon and apparently it’s extremely costly for the U.S. and you.
City Living Is Stressful
Where you live does matter. For people born and raised in a major urban area, they have a greater chance of developing anxiety or mood disorders during their lifetime.
Weed Crash
The legalization of marijuana is a polarizing issue of which both sides have valid points. However, a new study from Columbia University has given those who would like to keep it illegal a little bit more ammo.