ObesityInfo Center

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Stress and High-Fat Food May Create Metabolism Drag
A bad day may drive some to overindulge in ice cream or greasy food, but could it actually be slowing down the metabolism as well? Maybe so, suggest the authors of a new study.
Obesity and Heart Disease Risks Common among Latinos
The obesity epidemic in America has led to disease and increased health care costs. This epidemic may be hitting some ethnic groups harder than others.
Exercise May Trump Diet in Obesity Battle
Exercise and diet both play a role in physical fitness, but does one trump the other? Perhaps so, according to the researchers behind a long-term study of obesity.
For Obese, Risk of Dying Looms Large
More than one-third of adults in the US are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Getting bigger around the waistline, however, can be a deadly problem.
COPD Linked to Belly Fat and Being Underweight
Being obese can increase the risk for numerous health problems. Being underweight isn't healthy either; it may even raise the risk for chronic lung disease.
Obesity in the Family: How Siblings Weigh In
A family with at least one obese adult may be more likely to have an obese child. But a bigger influence may be other children in the home.
Obesity in Children May Contribute to Asthma
Worldwide, children are experiencing higher rates of obesity. Obesity is tied to many health risks, including heart problems and diabetes. It may also be a cause of asthma in many young people.
Surgery Could Be Good Option for Obese People with Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is often diagnosed in overweight patients. The combination of diabetes and obesity can present a serious risk for heart disease.
Losing Weight for Better Sleep
Being overweight can have a wide range of effects on people's overall health, both mental and physical. And n umerous studies have shown that increased weight is associated with a decrease in sleep at night.
The Long Lead-Up to Chronic Kidney Disease
Serious illness does not always strike suddenly. Sometimes, it comes at the end of long road marked by other health problems. Kidney disease often is preceded by other avoidable health problems.