ObesityInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
The App for Losing Fat Works
Tap Tap Tap! Salad, 380 calories. Tap Tap! Spin class, one hour. Are you one of the many who use a cell phone app to track calories and exercise? It may really be helping you lose more weight.
More Salt, More Fluids, More Soft Drinks
Much attention has focused on the link between obesity and sugary drinks. But there are other clues in children's diets about how many sugary drinks they'll have - like how much salt they eat.
Best Surgeries for Diabetes
In study after study, weight loss surgery has reversed diabetes' impact on the body. But there are many kinds of weight loss surgery to choose from. So which ones work best?
Timing Matters in Diabetes
Obesity is the leading cause of diabetes worldwide. And whether you are young or old, being obese can boost your chances of developing diabetes.
Cut That Gut?
Opting for a smaller stomach can bring some good. For those with type II diabetes, going under the knife can bring a lot of good, almost to the point of a full cure.
Heavy Teens May Become Adults with ESRD
Whether you are old or young, being overweight or obese is not good for your health. If you are a teenager carrying too much extra weight, you may be in store for serious health problems as you grow older.
How Children See Food Advertising
It's hard to turn on the TV or drive down the street without seeing ads for food. Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Pepsi and other food advertising is all around us – and our kids.
Calculate a Baby's Risk of Obesity
More and more has been learned about child obesity in the past few decades. What if we could put all the known risk factors together to get a sense of a child's overall risk of being overweight? We can.
The Walk to Good Health
Take one step forward, two steps back. Take 6,000 steps forward and forget going back, especially when it comes to women's health.
More Visits, More Weight Lost
Stapling the stomach can help with weight loss. Those who check up with their doctor more often after surgery tend to lose even more.