ObesityInfo Center

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Obese While Pregnant
Weight gain is essential during pregnancy, but how much? Lack of information and resources can prevent the proper weight gain during pregnancy and hinder or harm the baby or mother.
Obesity Increases Hospital Costs
Obesity is an epidemic that has spread throughout the world. It increases risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and many other diseases, and now it is even increasing hospital costs.
Turn Off Obesity and Diabetes
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just turn off a gene in our body so that we don’t have to watch what we eat or exercise? Life would be so simple if only that were possible.
Improve Cholesterol and LDL With Information
It is not easy to live healthy especially with so little information. There are some obvious factors that benefit health, but sometimes a little more information can go a long way.
Drive Less, Lose More Weight
What part of your day is spent driving in a car? For most Americans, driving is the main mode of transportation to get to and from work.
Being a Night Owl Isn't Good For Your Health
Staying up until the wee hours of the morning may potentially lead to your weight to increase. Sleep disorder researchers exploring the relationship between the circadian timing of sleeping, eating and body mass index (BMI) report that this up and down relationship was studied for the first time in the United States.
Be Careful 'Bout that Beer Belly
A little bit of belly fat might seem harmless. But if you have heart disease, that extra chub can be dangerous to your health. In fact, having lots of fat around your waist can be the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
Exercise Induced Obesity
Many people with asthma have triggers that bring on attacks, like environmental allergens or colds. For some exercise is the culprit, and the inability to exercise without risking an asthma attack increases their odds of becoming obese. A new study tried to figure out which factor more influences the other––the asthma or the obesity.
A Heavy Toll on Arthritis
Having arthritis is painful, but being obese can make it worse. Obesity puts arthritis patients at a higher risk for many health complications. Now, experts are worried that obesity could make arthritis an even larger public health problem.
Weight Loss Drug Doesn't Work
Some obese people take weight-loss drugs to help deal with their health problem. One of these drugs, orlistat, may be harmful.  The drug already carries a black box warning for liver damage, which the FDA added last year.