PediatricsInfo Center

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Marketing Burgers and Fries Straight to Kids
Parents may try to teach their kids about healthy eating, but advertisers for unhealthy foods can also get messages straight to children. A new report out of Yale University explored the state of fast food marketing to kids.
One HPV Shot Might Provide Long-Term Protection
It may never be possible to find a "cure for cancer" — even better would be preventing cancer in the first place. That's what the HPV vaccine can help do.
Troubles Rare for Teens After Weight Loss Surgery
Obese adults sometimes choose weight loss surgery as a way to avoid the health risks that come with extra weight. New research suggests that weight loss surgery may be a safe option for severely obese teens as well.
Boys Burned More Calories With Strength Training
Lifting weights may not sound like a typical activity for preteens. But perhaps it's something that more schools or communities may want to consider offering older children.
When Kids Sleep Less, They May Eat More
Children need sufficient sleep each night to function. But getting enough sleep might also affect other aspects of health, such as their weight.
Many Girls May Be Reaching Puberty Earlier
It might seem as though young girls are growing up faster than ever these days. But there may be some truth in that beyond just casual observations.
Pediatric Asthma Hospitalizations Can Be Prevented
Asthma hospitalizations can often be prevented with regular, continuous condition management. However, it's not always easy for kids to manage their asthma.
Why Teens with Chronic Illness Might Miss Their Meds
Teens with chronic illnesses often have a hard time keeping up with their medication. And parents and doctors are not always aware of the issues some teens face.
Navigating Kids' Media Wilderness
It's a brave new world of technology and media out there today — and that presents challenges for raising kids in such a media-rich environment.
Lower Back Injuries in the Top Three for Young Athletes
Young athletes deal with their fair share of aches and pains. Along with knee and ankle troubles, lower back injuries top the list of most common injuries among young athletes.