Prostate CancerInfo Center
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Will Life Without PSA Testing Cost Lives?
Several years ago, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended against men over the age of 75 having prostate cancer screenings using the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test.
Men, Prostate Cancer Probably Won't Kill You
Being diagnosed with any cancer makes you think about your life - and death. The course of prostate cancer, though, may be changing.
Early Prostate Cancers in Older Men Way Down
Prostate cancer screening guidelines have been changing over the past several years. All of this is thanks to the advice of United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF).
Okay to Go Slow with Prostate Cancer
If you've been following the news about prostate cancer, you know a great deal of caution has been injected into the conversation. A new study shows that a conservative approach to the disease is quite valid.
Castrating Prostate Cancer
A great deal of cancer medicine has to do with targeting and then blocking the activities of molecules that create chaos - and cancer - in the body.
Gold and Tea Overwhelm Prostate Cancer
The chemotherapy used to treat prostate cancer is no picnic. A new option is emerging that could combine the powers of tea and gold.
"Death Carrot" Comes to Cancer
Arab caravans call the weed "death carrot" because it kills camels if they eat it. While it may not be so good for camels, this toxic Mediterranean weed - Thapsia garganica - may prove to be a very useful anticancer therapy.
Expanding the Prostate Cancer Fight
Androgens are sometimes called the "male hormones." They contribute to a man's sexual functions and are associated with secondary characteristics like chest and facial hair.
Combination Radiation Lowers Prostate Cancer Recurrence
Radiation therapy is often used at some point in treating prostate cancer. A recently published study finds that a combination of radiation therapies may be an effective treatment option that decreases problematic side effects.
With Testosterone, It's Love and Hate
Cancer patients have to filter through a lot of very unfamiliar terms that only vaguely seem to make any sense. It's a lot to process, during a very emotional time.