Rectal CancerInfo Center
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Diabetes Increases Risks of Cancer
A new study shows that avoiding or controlling diabetes may reduce risks of developing or dying from cancer.
You've Got Colonoscopy Options
It's another equal rights movement. Colorectal cancer is very common among women and though colonoscopy is the preferred and recommended screening method for colorectal cancer, women do have options.
Bowel Cancer Stats: Room for Improvement
A multicenter observational study involving more than 31,000 patients in 346 German hospitals provides a basis for improving care for patients with bowel cancer.
Illegal Drugs Aren't the Only Kind That Kill
Avastin®, a cancer drug, has been shown to increase patient death from adverse events when used in conjunction with chemotherapy or biological therapy, according to new analysis of previous studies.
Racial Disparities Among Colorectal-Cancer Screening
Minorities are much less likely to undergo colonoscopies than caucasians, according to a new study form the University of California at David Cancer Center.