Sexual HealthInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Got the ED Prescription, Get It Filled
Some men might find it embarrassing or difficult to seek treatment for sexual problems. Though a lot of men with erectile dysfunction make it to the doctor for help, only a few actually take it to the next step.
One Shot, Two Shot, HPV Shots
The only vaccine that can prevent a type of cancer is the HPV vaccine. But it requires three rounds of shots. Wouldn't it be nice to make it just two shots?
Going Against the Flow
Not very many women look forward to their period each month, especially if certain days are heavier than others. This feeling may be common in women around the world.
Attention to Infertility
Only a small window of opportunity exists each month for families trying to have a baby. Infertility troubles can make it even more difficult to conceive while adding additional stress emotionally and physically.
Replenishing Men's Mojo
When men don't produce enough of their own sex hormones, they can develop erection problems and other health issues. These men might benefit from a supplemental hormone.
Success of the Free HPV Vaccine
It's icing on the cake when a vaccine is offered for little to no cost. Free human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine programs can protect many individuals from genital warts without draining their bank accounts.
This Isn't Your Mom's IUD
Back in the early days of intrauterine devices, or IUDs, complications were more common. But today, IUDs are a safer method of birth control for all women, including younger ones.
The Critters Change After You're Cut
One of the decisions parents of boys must make is whether to circumcise their sons. But uncircumcised men can also decide to become circumcised if they wish.
Getting Tested For STD Knowledge
How much do you really know about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? Is it enough to motivate you to get tested?
How Many Teen Girls Are Having Sex?
Designing effective ways to reduce both teen pregnancy and unsafe sex requires knowing how many girls are actually having sex and using contraception.