Sleep Apnea InsomniaInfo Center

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Better Sleep for Leaner Kids
Helping an obese child lose weight can do more than reduce playground teasing. It could also reduce a child's likelihood of having sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome.
A Cheaper Choice for a Sleep Disorder
If you think you might have obstructive sleep apnea, fear not if the wait for an appointment with a sleep doctor is taking too long. A primary care doctor may be just as helpful.
Sleep Apnea Takes the Breath Away
Sleep apnea interrupts the sleeper's normal breathing pattern. This can contribute to serious health conditions. For cancer patients, sleep disordered breathing ( SDB ) can be fatal
Your Child's Brain NOT on Sleep Apnea
Treating your child's sleep apnea means more than ensuring that they get a good night's sleep. It might also mean they get better grades and remember to do their chores more often.
A Hidden Cause of Bedwetting
If little Johnny or Susie is wetting the bed frequently at night, that doesn't necessarily mean they have a psychological or behavior issue. They might have a serious sleeping disorder.
Jetlag from Work - in the Same Time Zone
"Living against the clock," forced into a schedule because of a job or other responsibilities that conflicts with your natural internal clock, may be contributing to weight gain.
Sedatives Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack
After a first heart attack, patients may find they are in need of sedatives to cope with anxiety or to help them sleep. Such sedatives may actually be associated with an increased risk of another heart attack within the initial year.
Snoozing to Lose
Too little sleep or too much poor quality sleep can hurt more than your energy levels - it can also hit your waistline. If you're not getting enough sleep, you may be trading Z's for pounds.
Sleep Can Fight Off Obesity & Diabetes
It's not just how much sleep you get that plays a part in your health - it's also when you sleep. An out-of-whack biological clock can mean poor health and higher risk of disease.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression
Obstructive sleep apnea - when a person doesn't breathe properly and consistently while asleep - has been linked to a long list of health issues. Add depression to that list.