StressInfo Center
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Facebook Trumping Exercise Time
Did you Instagram your run today? Or tweet about your walk? Most of the time spent on Facebook and other networking sites could be taking away from your cardio or 30-minute yoga class.
Why Does Violence Affect Health?
Experiencing violence as a child raises the risk of health problems later in life. A new study is trying to understand why this risk is higher.
Take a Break From Violent TV News Images
Were you glued to the TV in the days after 9/11? If you found it hard to tear yourself away from the grim, upsetting images, they might have had a long-term impact on your health.
The Stresses of Coming Home for Vets
They say you can never go home again. But thousands of veterans do, and it's not easy. But that can be a good thing.
Kids Feel Mother Nature's Stress
The damage has only just begun. After Hurricane Isaac struck the coast this week, the destruction may also be hidden in the children.
Give Your Brain a Break
" Buzzzzz !" A new text message. "Ding!" Another instant message. " Bloop !" A new email. And then you hear the music of your phone's ringtone. When does your brain ever get to rest?
No Money Might Make It Harder To Learn
When Oliver Twist asked for more porridge, he may have wanted to ask for more help with school work too. He may need it.
Cramming For Tests Can Backfire
The big test is tomorrow. Time for an all-nighter of cramming so you can be sure to ace it right? Wrong.
Stressed? Meditation Changes Your Genes
Taking care of an aging loved one can be stressful. Also, caregivers often do not have extra time to concentrate on their own health. Meditation practices may help, and they take less time than you think.
Should You Try Online Mindfulness?
If stress and worry seem to consume your day to day life, you’ve probably considered therapy at some point. Yet for many, the cost of therapy is too much.