Suicide PreventionInfo Center
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Ok With Pain, But Not With Gain
Exercise is important for health, but over-exercise may be a symptom of a deeper problem. Those with eating disorders that also over-exercise may be battling deeper troubles.
Childhood Woes Impact Adult Stability
For alcoholics, suicide attempts may have more to do with childhood troubles than their current circumstances. Looking at their whole past may shed light on future risks.
Alcohol, Suicide and Overdoses
Alcohol has never been known to improve clear-headed decision making. For a person who is thinking about taking their own life, alcohol and medication can make a lethal combo.
Shining a Light on Postpartum Depression
The birth of a new baby is often a joyful time in a mother's life. But the experience can also come with anxiety and depression. These conditions should be addressed.
Does It Get Better? Kind of
Gay and lesbian role models often tell gay and lesbian youth that it gets better as you get older. Is it true? Well, there's good news and bad news.
Too Many Drunken Suicides
Certain ethnicities may be at higher risk for committing suicide while intoxicated. It’s not clear why these groups have a higher risk, but the information could be used for suicide prevention strategies.
Bipolar Disorder and Drug Abuse in Teens
Substance abuse, or drug abuse, is common in people with bipolar disorder. A recent study looked for substance abuse risk factors in kids and teens with bipolar disorder.
Drugs & Alcohol Lead to Dead Ends
What role do drugs and alcohol play in homicide and suicide deaths? Are men and women at different risks for drug or alcohol involvement with a violent death?
Junior Seau Suffered Brain Disease
Star NFL linebacker Junior Seau's suicide last year stunned the nation. Now scientists have found he suffered from a brain disease probably caused by a career of hits to his head.
Major Depression Does Vary by Age & Gender
Everybody gets a little blue from time to time, but major depressive episodes can be an indicator of future troubles. Recognizing symptoms and getting help early may make a difference.